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The Team

An incredible group of ocean lovers are the heart and soul of this brand.

(one ocean one life :))

Chief Customer

Friendly and efficient. For her, the customer always comes first. She loves to unwind and spend her family vacations in the remote Saint Joseph Atoll.

Marjorie Oceans

Head of Strategy

Enthusiastic and creative by nature. His motto is: what is not clear to a human is clear to a fish. In his spare time, he loves to drift with the Gulf Stream and play with puffer fish.

Ricky Oceans

Chief Sales Officer

They are the nerds of the Atoll. Soft but sharp character. Their motto is "No money, no honey" Passionate about the Healthy life, they only eat krill tacos and plankton smoothies.

Marga & Elsa


Natural de las Islas Cook, estratega, objetivo y realista por naturaleza. Su lema es “No puedes perder en tu propio juego” Un gran atleta y vegetariano por elección, le encanta jugar al Kabaddi con las ballenas azules y dejarse ganar.

Henry Oceans